Invisible Places

“Touch is the parent of our senses as all our senses rely on specialized skins.” “A place is understood through its echo” Juhani Pallasmaa As I have returned home after visiting the conference on Acoustic Ecology, Invisible Places, I can understand how Juhani Pallasmaa, Finnish architect and keynote speaker on the conference, refers to all…

The tuning of the world

It’s been extremely stormy tonight and the whole house was vibrating. An amazing feeling that got right through my blanket under my skin and it also gave me some uncomfortable dreams, but I also felt very much alive. IT made me think of the elements and the constant drone of sound they add to our…

And there you sing – Creative Assignment #1

Collect 5 different sounds from your community (at least 30 sec each) and combine them in a sound collage. Besides the collected sound you may add two more elements of your choice. Listen with headphones and close you eyes! You crawl into this dark hole and there You sing You sing of hope with no…